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Brits completed and now onto some Romans.

 Well this weeks games were two scenarios using SPQR, one against the Romans and the second against a marauding band of Gauls. My Brits lost both, but were very tense affairs and very enjoyable. I used one of my chariots and a band of British light cavalry. Both proved very disappointing, my chariot being overwhelmed by Gallic warriors whilst my cavalry simply ran away.
 But then that's the way SPQR plays, make a tactical mistake and one cannot recover. My mistake against the Romans was my initial disposition which allowed John to pile into my confused slingers who didn't stand a chance against legionnaires. I then had to suffer consistent rounds of piliums as my war bands charged in. Being British my armour is poor and they tend to rely on their large shields which are temporally disabled by piliums.
 Anyway the battles give me an excuse to display the entire British command, although eagle eyed viewers will see I need to complete one chariot base. But my Brits are now complete, well apart from six light cavalry, but given their poor initiation I just might not bother with them.

 The Victrix chariot set contains a lot of extra figures, including three druids. The figure is so good I painted two up to lead my fanatics.
 You also get three Boadicea figures, so naturally I had to paint one up as a 'champion.'

 So my next little project is the Romans, using mainly Victrix figures. I like the Warlord version but think the Victrix transfers for the shields are much better. Anyway I managed to knock off a Warlord Roman commander to test the look I'm going for, and it isn't red I'm afraid.

 I 'found' some Black Hussar civilians that cried out to be painted. I want these for a few weeks time and very nice sculpts they are to.
 I will be quiet for a couple of weeks but hope to be back soon, hopefully full of thoughts and controversy.
 Talking of found figures, I was pottering around today and discovered a draw with four completed ECW artillery pieces in it.I had forgotten I had placed them there for safe keeping and simply left them unloved and abandoned. What I found worrying was I re ordered some extra guns and crew from Hinchliffe because I thought I needed more so I now have too many!

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