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A Big Texas Cinnamon Roll......

......and a diet Pepsi.........

One might get the impression that things are going well.......as I sit here in my bull moose patterned PJ's.

And it is quite........at least since I stared down the pair of Lab's two yards over. Well......I didn't so much stare them down as shine a laser at them until they stopped hanging over the fence barking at me as I sat on the back deck. (hardly worthy of that name being only 8' X 10').

I had to go visit the VA doctor for the quarterly interrogation as to how I feel the drugs are doing. (something she should probably be asking the people who read this drivel). We ended up agreeing that they would keep sending them if I promised not to do anything drastic or rude.

On the way back home I made a slight side trip to one of the mining locations I frequent............and the owner and I spent a pleasant half hour discussing the current sad state of affairs (and lack of same) in the local economy and around the world.

It seems that he has a new neighbor who also has a fondness for Crown Royal. (How many of you keep any of your valuables in a CR velvet bag?)?? If you do you just might be a redneck.

Anyway as they were thus engaged in lubricating their vocal cords, his neighbor......who by the way recently sold the bank he owned in Florida and moved up here to the NE GA foothills......opined that to his way of thinking the US economy had only a couple of years left until complete and total meltdown and chaos. To make things even worse his neighbor on the other side of him has recently published a book forecasting the same thing. You know............the sort of things that makes simple folk like us ask the unfortunately long overdue and almost too late question of "WTF do we do now??

This conversation led to much ruminating and cud chewing on my way home and I considered some of the possibilities that might be open to a boomer like myself only a few short years from drawing my generous old age pension due me for the at least 10 quarters when I actually did work for a living.....and paid taxes.

First, We baby boomers are a financial force to be reckoned with right now. We've worked hard and saved a little money and many have reinvested it by continually buying ever more expensive houses which we plan to sell.......make a fortune of of and live the high life ever after......once we pay the balance of the mortgage off.

Second, The housing market in my opinion was way overbuilt 3 years ago. Major mortgage lenders are going broke......er, um, .....I mean being bought out by even bigger major players. This is because it's getting damn hard to sell your house for what the county said it was worth a year ago. This may be influenced by the litterly thousands of speculative houses built by formally flush real estate developers who have had to give them to the banks voluntarily or be foreclosed upon. I've had bankers ask me if I'd be willing to buy one appraised at 245 K for less than 175 K. Of course they weren't willing to finance it themselves and many lenders are now requiring a minimum of 30 % down, in cash, on any investment property with proper assurances that you could make the payments out of current income before rents.


Third, your investment just went down at least 30%..........your 401K and IRA's got hit by the tech bubble for about half. Do you think this might make you tighten your belt a little thereby not stimulating the local economy because you eat out less, you travel less, you don't spend as much on luxuries and services. How do you think this makes your lawn care professional feel after all he has done to make your property look like a English garden. And let's not forget the undocumented workers that he used to pay in cash every Friday afternoon. Will your local businessman still be in business in five years?? What will this do to Tax Revenues? When the businesses stop pay where will they look to make up the shortfall? The property owners?? The concept of cutting unnecessary workers and services will never ever even enter their squirrel sized brains.

Forth, Will you be willing to continue to work much longer than you had intended to? Will you be physically able to continue to work. How will you ever be able to pay the increasing cost of the medical treatment you will need.........you know you will... if like me you love red meat, white meat and all those cheeses and wines the magazines tell you you must have. Perhaps those investment bottles of wine in the cellar can be used to season your squirrel or venison stew..........if you can afford the electricity or gas to heat it over, or the property owner doesn't shoot you for poaching and trespassing.

Of course all this is just the rambling of an over the hill, high school educated redneck who has experienced more than a few ups and downs...with the emphasis on the downs.

Others might have different opinions.......all of which would be welcomed here in the Kudzu Grotto...........if you can stand the sneering and jeering as we encourage you to get to the point dammit.

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